
Monday, March 23, 2015

"D" Word Update

Happy Monday Friends....tried to type that sincerely, but it's hard because Mondays just suck. Mine has been alright in the scheme of Mondays, but I was not ready for the weekend to end..Are we ever?! Ok, let's get down to the nitty gritty...
Started the "diet" March 9th, so exactly two weeks down.
I have lost 3.5 lbs, technically 3.4 but who wants to get all specific ;)
This is frustrating to me, but I am also steadily working out, drinking a lot more water and occasionally cheating on the weekends, so maybe it's the ole "gaining muscle" story, water weight, the occasional slip up or maybe I am only going to lose an average of 1.7 lbs a week?! Not sure how it's going to happen but I am convinced it will, just gotta exercise the one thing I haven't in the past which is patience and consistency.
Not hungry. Reflux is significantly better. Energy is about the same. Still craving salty/crunchy/sweet, but not as bad as in the beginning. In general, I feel better, which I have found is a better motivator than trying to lose the weight. If I look at something like pizza, and think about the fact that after I eat it, I am probably going to feel bloated and have reflux later, it makes it much easier to walk away and not give in, so that's what I have been doing. Unfortunately, after canoeing all day Sunday, when I looked at the burger and fries that I ate, mysteriously I couldn't conjure all the feelings of discomfort I would probably experience after eating it...go figure?! Speaking of canoeing, check out the blog later this week for pics of our very eventful trip! Stay strong people, Monday is almost over :)


  1. 1.7 pounds a week is a really good rate! Any more than that a week would be too fast and you're more likely to gain it all back when you lose it quick (that's what I've read, anyway).
    Great job! You're doing awesome, friend!

  2. Thank you friend! Couldn't do it without you! (and my personal chef...Chase) ;)
