
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day Friends!
For a little historical tid-bit...St. Patrick's Day started out as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland. I am about to blow your mind, this saint that we now all hail as the so called "King of Green" was not even born in Ireland. His name was Maewyn, and he was born in Roman Britain. He was kidnapped and made a slave, and brought to Ireland. Mind = blown right? He then escaped to a monastery in France, only to convert to Christianity and return to Ireland as a missionary. He eventually went on to become a bishop, and after his death which is said to have occurred on March 17th, he was named the patron saint of Ireland. Celebrations didn't really take off until Irish immigrants landed in the US, at which point they used this day to connect with their history and show pride for their heritage. Interesting right?
Ok now that we have established roots, let's move on to some of my favorite St. Paddy's Day related things.
Let's start off with my favorite which is food! I am drooling and really wishing that I was not on the second week of a four week diet right now.
Irish Coffee
Who doesn't love coffee? Oh yea, well we aren't friends anymore! Add whiskey and homemade whipped cream, and I am your loyal servant for life. Again, The Pioneer Woman AKA Ree Drummond is my go to.
Here is her delicious recipe:
Irish Coffee
My Mom's Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe:
(Simple but delicious)
Take your corned beef and put it in a big pot with the flavor packet and fill it with water. Bring to a boil and let boil for a few minutes, then reduce to a simmer and let it do this until your beef is starting to get tender (3-4 hours depending on the size) Once it feels tender, take the beef out of the pot, add quartered potatoes and carrots, then put the beef back over top and continue cooking until the potatoes are fork tender. For the last half hour or so add cabbage sliced into eighths and cook till desired tenderness. This may sound overly simple but I can tell you from experience its fall apart tender and delicious!
River 'O' Green Festival
Festival in downtown Tampa at Curtis Hixon Park.
As you can see, they dye the Hillsborough River a bright lime green which is pretty impressive in person. Along the green river, there is also live Irish music, beer and food trucks! What could be better?
Now it just wouldn't be proper to leave you on this green themed day of Irish history, jade-colored beer and general celebration without a traditional Irish toast, so here goes...
Here’s to the wine we love to drink, and the food we like to eat.
Here’s to our wives and sweethearts, let’s pray they never meet.
Here’s champagne for our real friends And real pain for our sham friends.
And when this life is over, may all of us find peace.
Amen :)

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